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Monday, January 2, 2012

Republican Rat Race

It is looking more and more like mr. Romney will become the candidate to face the incumbent. Every other candidate had their surge, but Romney has remained well ahead of the pack, globally. Iowa may not fall to him, but as mr. Pawlenty stated it is where they pick corn such as Huckabee, instead of presidents.

It appears all Romney has to do, is beat down on his closest antagonist (Gingrich for now), and he will be able to claim the prize. This seems strange, as a majority of republican voters would prefer not to see Romney on their ballot. The problem is that among the more rightist and religious wing of the party, the field is too divided. Paul, Perry, Santorum and Bachmann will have to share these votes until they start giving up. Most likely Bachmann will throw in the towel first. But the others may last longer, leaving the real fight between Gingrich and Romney very much biased towards the latter. Pawlenty, for now, is not even in this race, unless his New Hampshire miracle produces.

And while Romney accumulates more votes than the others proportionally, he can only hope for this standoff to last as long as possible, leaving him with a considerable advantage over the ones that remain in the race. Momentum will shift his way, as his advantage becomes clearer. Thus, many Republicans my find themselves voting for the lesser of two evils, next presidential elections.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see my predictive powers are somewhat accurate, though maybe not so happy with the outcome of my predictions.

    Becoming more and more confident that Huntsman may be the best possible candidate for the presidency, given the current political situation and grlidlock. The stubborn republican blockade of Congress would be elevated (though many would still counter a lot of sensible policies, since, well, they're not sensible persons) and, hopefully, democrats would not block many proposals -as- stubbornly, coming from a moderate republican.

    How is it that moderate democrats are viewed as 'socialists', whereas extremist republicans are considered less of an embarrassment?
